Monday, December 17, 2012

A trip to Varkala

Viewed from our rickshaw on the way to Varkala
Hello!! We are so excited to share a bit more of our adventure with you all. I am amazed and so grateful to my sweet Zane as it seems that he calls in what he needs so often..
In this post I am sharing what took place about 10 days ago..
I have so much desire to share more pictures..however no where to be found around here in the ashram and little town. There have been many power outages as well...I was able to download these last pictures while we were on our Varkala it is..

We were at breakfast one morning and we were sitting next to this woman..she was kind and very grandmotherly to Zane. We start to speak about thing we knew we were sharing that I knew her daughter Annie and her new husband Tyler from Yoga Shala..comes to find out she was going to visit them in a near by town for a few days and then head back to the states..she invited us to come and surprise the group that Yoga Shala was hosting in India..Sounded Excelent to us!!

Annie and her mama Carol at Varkala!!
So Zane and I loaded up a few things to stay for a night or two with our friends from Sacramento. Carol opened her grandmotherly arms to Zane..and he just gobbled it up. When you get to know Zane you know one of his favorite foods are french fries..which we are all eating in the above picture...Zane was in heaven.

Carol took Zane's hand as I took the other and we played in the ocean. This was the very first time for Zane and by the end he was able to let too..and trust playing with the waves in the Arabian cool!! The water was warm!

On our way to Varkala..Zane kept saying mom when am I going to see an elephant..and i told him soon..we will see some soon..and sure enough we see one helping his owner move some plants walking in the street..awesome!!

The Varkala experience was just what we needed as we were able to spend time with what felt like "home" for a few days..Tyler, Annie, Josh and the rest of the crew were so gracious and open to us crashing in on their India experience..we hold the experience very dear to our hearts..We bow down in gratitude.

As for what we have been doing from then until now..I have been.working with Znae's body with Yoga..sitting with AMMA..receiving darshan from AMMA...and letting things unravel so that we are moving as much in the present moment.

Ashram life is many people are here from all of the world..what I have appreciated is all the parents that have brought their children here to have a more spiritual has been a beautiful experience to be a witness to all of this.

Zane is changing and becoming more confident..he wakes up in the morning and says mom can I go play with the other kids..yea Zane!!

Tomorrow is his birthday..we have ordered a cake..we are making crowns out of palm leaves to decorate. We bought a big star and these colorful streamers to decorate. At 4 pm we will have a birthday that all will be invited too..Zane has called in many who "get" him and they are all looking forward to sharing this special day with him..
As his mama..I am still digesting that he is turning 7..he is such a teacher to me..I bow down to his presence in my life..

Thursday, November 29, 2012

WOW!! We are in India!!

India to Zane

Hello from India everyone!!! We are so incredibly grateful that we have landed safely and that mama (me) is finally figuring out the technical side of things. Thank you for patience..which seems to be a theme for me these days.

So to catch you up to where Zane and I are at in our adventure..

eating dinner in Hong Kong..luckily we eat dinners
like this at Zane was game
We listened to this kids station on the fun!
We traveled to Hong Kong..then landed in Chennai....entree for us into India..With a few more hours of layover we boarded a smaller plane to the state of Kerala..this is where we were met by some one from the Ashram. They took us the 3 1/2 hours to Ampritapuri..the whole journey took us 40 hours..and Zane didn't complain at all..I am serious..he loved it! It was only at the very end when he got hungry in the ride to the ashram that he showed any upset..I was amazed.
Waiting in Chennai, first experience in can see
he is playing with a twirly stick..about 3am..

The plane was on the was 5am in India..we had been up for
30 some odd said!

As I write this, he is drawing a picture of what India is like to him..I hope you all will enjoy it. We have been drawing a lot since being here to strengthen his hands ands to also really get a sense of where he is at emotionally....he has started to draw very large roots systems..I am trusting this means he is feeling grounded and safe!!

I will do my best to post things at least once a week..we miss you all and send so much love to each of you for believing in our journey..with love and gratitude..Zane and Heather

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Oneness of Vulnerability the universe is sending me screaming messages that it is time for me to start writing. I want to write and share our story..obviously... but what stops me is the deep vulnerability that is attached to it. Putting all ego aside..the time is now..

The words that one of my friend/client/contributor's wrote made an impression on me.."because Zane is every child and you are every mother.." I have let those words permeate into me since they were written. I feel blessed to create a foundation with these....

We begin with the oneness of vulnerability. I believe that most of us are willing, on some level, to let go of ego for the sake of our children. That if we could take some action that will allow more freedom for our children to be more of who there are meant to be in this world than we would do it. Parenting is one of the hardest jobs there is out there. Our children reflect back to us the world we show them. They speak to us in the language that we speak to them. yet when we look past the first layer of what they offer us, can we see them? Can we see the patterns of who they really are..what struggles and gifts they have to offer. The Adventures of Enaz is about seeing a boy beyond the outward challenges..and seeing the gifts he has to bring the world at this time.

Through out these blogs I will allow and invite you to know Zane and what he offers the world. I feel that his story is no different... it is simply his story. What is different is that as Zane's mama I am willing to offer our story as a template or lens to see the situation in a new light. To understand Zane is to understand that there are many days that are difficult. His sensory challenges can offer a day of explosive behavior that is unpredictable and painful for those around us. His physical challenges are sobering and humbling. I will speak more to these through out the adventure..

My intention of sharing part of our life with you all is to build a web of community to support our children and ourselves to show up. To look at our own reflection and decipher what stuff is ours and what stuff is truly our kids. For me, continuing to unravel this, has been the foundation of sanity. Not blaming myself or Zane for his challenges has been one huge step in this adventure.

I feel so honored that this project has unfolded with grace and ease. If this flow was not moving, then I trust there is a different avenue that I can be of service in. Yet, there is movement and so I trust and surrender. I continue to open my heart and allow...

In service and deep gratitude, Heather and Zane